from Barbara Hallett (right)
Congratulations to Rachel Munro on being awarded the Ross Hallett Memorial Graduate Scholarship in Biophysics. Rachel was selected based on her academic achievements and ability in biophysics research as demonstrated through publications, presentations, and the mastery of her research area. Mrs. Barbara Hallett presented the award to Rachel on Thursday August 23rd, 2018.
Rachel Munro receives the Ross Hallett award from Barbara Hallett
Rachel Munro obtained her BSc degree in Biochemistry with a minor in Statistics at the University of Guelph in the Winter of 2013. As an undergraduate student, Rachel worked as a research assistant in the Brown/Ladizhansky lab and was co-author on two high impact journal articles published in Nature Methods and Journal of the American Chemical Society (JACS). To date, Rachel has been co-author on an additional 5 research papers, including a book chapter. In the winter of 2016 Rachel obtained her MSc at the University of Guelph working with Professor Leonid Brown. Her research was focused on creative isotopic labelling strategies of membrane proteins in both bacteria and yeast for solid-state Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR). Rachel has continued on with this research a PhD program at the University of Guelph with Professor Brown. She has won numerous scholarships to date including an NSERC CGS-M, Ontario Graduate Scholarship (OGS), and most recently a NSERC CGS-D.
About the Scholarship
The Ross Hallett Memorial Scholarship in Biophysics was established in memory of Professor Ross Hallett to honour his contributions to research in biophysics, as well as the academic life of the Department of Physics, the College of Physical and Engineering Science, and the University of Guelph.