Problem 9-56 Vector Gravitational Field - Part 4 - A

A spaceprobe is at the position shown in the figure. Use components to determine the gravitational acceleration (magnitude and direction) of the probe due to the effects of the earth and moon. The masses of the earth and moon are \(6.0 \times10^{24}\; kg\) and \(7.4 \times 10^{22} \; kg\), respectively.

Diagram of space probe.

Accumulated Solution

No. If I tell you the units of \(G\) are \(N·m^2·kg^{-2}\) you can show by dimensional analysis that the equation is not correct.

From Choice (A): \([GM] = N·m^2·kg^{-2}· kg = N·m^2·kg^{-1}\), which is not just \(N\)
From Choice (C): \([GMm/r] = N·m^2·kg^{-2}·kg^2·m^{-1} = N·m\), which is not just \(N\)

Try again.