Electomagnetic Theory (PHYS*7060)

Code and section: PHYS*7060*01

Term: Winter 2022

Instructor: Jim Martin


Course Information

DRAFT (to be finalized 1st week of lectures)


Maxwell’s equations and conservation laws; accelerated point charges and electromagnetic radiation; multipole expansions; electromagnetism and special relativity; selected applications.


Lecturer: Jim Martin, jddmartin@uwaterloo.ca
Teaching Assistant: TBA


Tuesdays and Thursdays, 10:00am-11:30am, starting Tuesday, Jan. 11th
Zoom Link in CourseLink
passcode: to be provided by email

Course Materials


“Modern Electrodynamics”, Zangwill
ISBN: 978-0521896979 (hardcover)

Course Website

Course web-site and communication: https://learn.uwaterloo.ca/d2l/home/772018
Guelph students: please make sure that you have Learn access and can receive e-mail sent through learn.

Please use Piazza for course content questions (access code: to be provided by email):

Stay up-to-date on course news/clarifications/errata through the course announcements on Learn.
Refer to the material posted on Learn regarding academic integrity, grievance, discipline, appeals, disabilities, and the use of plagiarism detection software.

Course Content

Detailed Course Content: - SR special relativity - Lorentz force law and relativistic motion of point charges - relativistic transformation of fields - fields of a uniformly moving charge - Thomas precession. - Maxwell’s equations in covariant form. Gauge - conservation laws, stress momentum energy tensor. - plane electromagnetic waves. - General solutions of Maxwell’s equations in Lorenz gauge (Green’s function) - electric and magnetic dipole radiation. - LW potentials and point charge fields. - point charge radiation — Purcell’s picture. - bremstrahlung - general relativistic radiation. - synchrotron (radiation by relativistic particles). - Feynman/Patterson approach. - frequency spectrum of synchrotron radiation. - astrophysical applications of synchrotron radiation. - wigglers, undulators, fels. - radiating structures, multipole radiation. - antenna theory, reciprocity, CMB. - radiation reaction.


Assessment Weight
Project 25%
Assignments (approximately weekly) 75%

You are required to submit a signed academic integrity statement (see Learn dropbox), by Monday, Jan. 17th, 18:00.

University Statements

Email Communication

As per university regulations, all students are required to check their e-mail account regularly: e-mail is the official route of communication between the University and its students.

When You Cannot Meet a Course Requirement

When you find yourself unable to meet an in-course requirement because of illness or compassionate reasons please advise the course instructor (or designated person, such as a teaching assistant) in writing, with your name, id#, and e-mail contact. The grounds for Academic Consideration are detailed in the Undergraduate and Graduate Calendars.

Drop Date

Students will have until the last day of classes to drop courses without academic penalty. The deadline to drop two-semester courses will be the last day of classes in the second semester. This applies to all students (undergraduate, graduate and diploma) except for Doctor of Veterinary Medicine and Associate Diploma in Veterinary Technology (conventional and alternative delivery) students. The regulations and procedures for course registration are available in their respective Academic Calendars.

Copies of Out-of-class Assignments

Keep paper and/or other reliable back-up copies of all out-of-class assignments: you may be asked to resubmit work at any time.


The University promotes the full participation of students who experience disabilities in their academic programs. To that end, the provision of academic accommodation is a shared responsibility between the University and the student.

When accommodations are needed, the student is required to first register with Student Accessibility Services (SAS). Documentation to substantiate the existence of a disability is required; however, interim accommodations may be possible while that process is underway.

Accommodations are available for both permanent and temporary disabilities. It should be noted that common illnesses such as a cold or the flu do not constitute a disability.

Use of the SAS Exam Centre requires students to book their exams at least 7 days in advance and not later than the 40th Class Day.

Academic Integrity

The University of Guelph is committed to upholding the highest standards of academic integrity, and it is the responsibility of all members of the University community-faculty, staff, and students-to be aware of what constitutes academic misconduct and to do as much as possible to prevent academic offences from occurring. University of Guelph students have the responsibility of abiding by the University's policy on academic misconduct regardless of their location of study; faculty, staff, and students have the responsibility of supporting an environment that encourages academic integrity. Students need to remain aware that instructors have access to and the right to use electronic and other means of detection.

Please note: Whether or not a student intended to commit academic misconduct is not relevant for a finding of guilt. Hurried or careless submission of assignments does not excuse students from responsibility for verifying the academic integrity of their work before submitting it. Students who are in any doubt as to whether an action on their part could be construed as an academic offence should consult with a faculty member or faculty advisor.

Recording of Materials

Presentations that are made in relation to course work - including lectures - cannot be recorded or copied without the permission of the presenter, whether the instructor, a student, or guest lecturer. Material recorded with permission is restricted to use for that course unless further permission is granted.


The Academic Calendars are the source of information about the University of Guelph’s procedures, policies, and regulations that apply to undergraduate, graduate, and diploma programs.

Academic Calendars
