Graduate Quantum Mechanics 1 (PHYS*7010)

Code and section: PHYS*7010*01

Term: Fall 2020

Instructor: Crystal Senko (UW)


Course Information


Crystal Senko,

Office hours

Tuesdays and Thursdays 10-11:30 Eastern time (tentative until I confirm whether there are major schedule conflicts).


Annie Ray,


Asynchronous, provided on the MS Teams channel for the course. Please email me if you do not have access to the Teams channel.

Course content (from catalog)

“Review of formalism of nonrelativistic quantum mechanics including symmetries and invariance. Approximation methods and scattering theory. Elementary quantum theory of radiation. Introduction to one-particle relativistic wave equations”. Emphasis will be placed on formalism, symmetries, approximation methods and scattering theory. As time permits, later portions of the course will introduce common quantum mechanical phenomena, not limited to the latter parts of the catalog description.


“Modern Quantum Mechanics” by Sakurai and Napolitano

Course Grading

Your grade is based on: 80% problem sets, 20% final assignment.

For problem sets, you may collaborate with other students, but you must write your own solutions and acknowledge your collaborators