Introduction to Quantum Field Theory (PHYS*7030)
Code and section: PHYS*7030*01
Term: Fall 2021
Instructor: Alex Gezerlis
Alex Gezerlis
MacN 219
Office Hours: By appointment.
Tuesday & Thursday 10:00 am – 11:20 am
Zoom (see courselink for more info)
In addition to the standard set of topics covered in a first course on relativistic quantum field theory, I will emphasize classical fields (Noether’s theorem) and non-relativistic quantum field theory (in the Lagrangian formalism). Here is a tentative outline:
- Relativistic notation
- Scalar fields
- Canonical quantization
- Non-relativistic field theory
- Interacting fields
- Classical electromagnetism
- Scalar quantum electrodynamics
Course Materials
Required Textbook
The lectures and my notes will synthesize material from varied sources, i.e., I will not be following a specific textbook. In addition to the recommended texts given below, I will also refer to specific chapters from other books as the need arises.
Recommended texts
- M. E. Peskin & D. V. Schroeder, An Introduction to Quantum Field Theory (Westview Press, 1995).
- M. Schwartz, Quantum Field Theory and the Standard Model (Cambridge University Press, 2013).
- S. Weinberg, The Quantum Theory of Fields, Volume 1: Foundations (Cambridge University Press, 1995).
- A. L. Fetter and J. D. Walecka, Quantum Theory of Many-Particle Systems (Dover, 2003).
Expected background
I expect that all students will be comfortable with undergraduate classical mechanics, electromagnetism, and quantum mechanics (e.g., Poisson brackets, Maxwell’s equations, Dirac notation). Also, topics from graduate quantum mechanics will be briefly restated but essentially taken for granted (e.g., the Heisenberg picture, the Klein-Gordon equation). It would also be good if you’ve seen second quantization before. Students who are uncertain about their background preparation should contact me. Note that Physics 701/7010 (or equivalent) is a prerequisite.
The course will involve homework assignments (some of which will not be graded) and a scheduled final exam.