Introductory Electricity and Magnetism (PHYS*1010)

Code and section: PHYS*1010*01

Term: Winter 2010

Instructor: Martin Williams


Course Information

Course Professor

Martin Williams
MacN 213

Tutorial Instructors

Name Email
Jack Bangay
May Lee
Russel Spencer
Bryan Holland
Miranda Schmidt
Megan Ward


Mon, Wed, Fri
10:30 to 11:20 am
MacN 105


3 hours per week
various sections
MacN 301/401

The Purpose of this Course

This is a course for physical science and engineering students on the phenomena of electromagnetism, waves and introductory quantum physics. Topics include electric charges and fields, electric potential, capacitance, magnetic fields, electric circuits, waves, electromagnetic waves, quantization of light and other aspects of introductory quantum physics. Practical activities such as problem solving, laboratory work, and report writing are important elements of this course.


MATH*1080 or MATH*1200
1 of 4U Physics, OAC Physics, PHYS*1020

Required Materials

  • Textbook: University Physics, 12th Edition, Volumes 1, 2, and 3, by H. Young and R. Freedman. This book is available in the University Bookstore. Inserted inside the three-volume book is a Student Access Kit for MasteringPhysics (a web-based tutoring system). Part of your grade in PHYS*1010 will be determined by your performance in MasteringPhysics problem assignments.

    If you are buying a used copy of the textbook, you will need to purchase a stand-alone Student Access Kit for MasteringPhysics. Stand-alone Access Kits are available in the bookstore.
  • i-Clicker Student Response Unit (commonly known as “clickers”) is a required item for this course. These are available for purchase in the University Bookstore.
  • Lecture Guide
    A lecture guide will be posted on the course website approximately each week, listing the lecture topics for the following week. The guide will also have some recommended questions for review, and information about upcoming quizzes, labs, etc. (
  • Mastering Physics
    In addition to assigned textbook problems (which are not handed in for grading) on the Lecture Guides, there will also be assigned problems that will be graded online using Mastering Physics. Research has shown that this software has a positive effect on students’ learning of physics.

Tentative Schedule for the Semester

Week  Date Material Covered in Lecture Tutorial/Laboratory
1 Jan 11 Coulomb’s law, electric fields introduced Tutorial
2 Jan 18 Electric field calculations, electric potential energy introduced Tutorial
3 Jan 25 Electric potential Lab 1: Electrostatic field mapping
4 Feb 1 Capacitance Tutorial & Quiz #1
5 Feb 8 Ohm’s law, circuit analysis Lab 2: Ohm’s Law
  Feb 15 Mid-winter break No classes/tutorials/laboratories
6 Feb 22 Magnetic forces Tutorial & Quiz #2
7 Mar 1 Midterm Test Regularly scheduled lab/tutorials will be replaced with special midterm help sessions – times TBA
8 Mar 8 Magnetic force & torque, field of a current-carrying wire Lab 3: Kirchhoff’s Laws
9 Mar 15 Wave motion, interference, diffraction Tutorial & Quiz #3
10 Mar 22 Refraction, EM waves Lab 4: e/m experiment
Formal lab report
11 Mar 29 Photoelectric effect, Compton scatter, atomic spectra Tutorial & Quiz #4
12 Apr 5 de Broglie waves, electron diffraction, uncertainty principle Lab 5: Photoelectric effect

The information in the column titled “Material Covered in Lecture” is provided as a rough guide for the term. Regular attendance at lectures and tutorials is the best way to ensure that you are up to date on the relevant course material.


Assessment Weight
4 quizzes, 4% each 16%
4 short lab reports, 2.5% each 10%
1 formal lab report 5%
Mastering Physics homework 9%
Midterm test 25%
Final examination 35%


During four of the tutorial periods (schedule shown above), after receiving help for 90 minutes you will write a 30-minute quiz. Details regarding what the quizzes will cover will be provided on Lecture Guides during the semester. Tutorials will be held in MacN 401.

Laboratory Experiments

The procedures for the laboratory experiments (schedule shown above) are provided online as pdf files ( There are five laboratory experiments to be completed for this course. For four of these, Electrostatic Field Mapping, Ohm’s Law, Kirchhoff’s Laws and the Photoelectric Effect, you will submit your work at the end of the laboratory period for evaluation. These informal reports will be worth 2.5% each of your final mark. For the fifth experiment, determining the e/m ratio, you will submit a formal laboratory report. The formal report will be worth 5% of your final mark. The laboratory experiments will be done in MacN 301. If you miss a quiz or a lab, you must provide your TA with a written explanation for possible academic consideration.

Midterm Examination

The midterm examination will be held in-class on Wednesday Mar 3rd and Friday Mar 5th. The Wednesday part will consist of multiple-choice questions and

the Friday part will focus on longer problems. More details will be provided on a Lecture Guide as the semester progresses.
If you miss the midterm examination due to illness or compassionate reasons, you need to provide the instructor with a waiver slip. See your Program Counselor if you require assistance.

Final Examination

The final examination (Wednesday April 21st, 8:30 - 10:30 a.m., Location: TBA) will cover the entire course. More details to follow. If you miss the final examination, see your Program Counselor. Refer to “General Information for Academic Consideration and Appeals” in the 2009/2010 Undergraduate Calendar.

Formula Card

Before the midterm examination and the final examination you will be issued a blank 5" x 8" card. You may write anything you want on one side of this card and take it with you into the exam. A formula sheet will not be provided as part of the examinations.

Help Sessions

  1. Your best source of help is your tutorial/lab instructor during the tutorial/lab period; please remember to bring your textbook!.
  2. In most of the tutorial periods, the activities are completed in the first two hours, and hence the lab/tutorial instructor usually has a great deal of time in the final 50 minutes to help students. Please feel free to drop in to MacN 401 during the final 50 minutes of any of the tutorial periods to obtain help. These times are indicated in the table below by the X:
    Times Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday
    10:30 to 11:20 am   X   X
    1:30 to 2:20 pm   X   X
    4:30 to 5:20 pm X X X X
    9 to 9:50 pm X X   X

  3. The lecturer will be available to provide help in his office (MacN 213) during the following office hours: Mon.3:30-4:30, Tues. 1:30-2:30, Wed. 3:30-4:30. If you wish to obtain help from your lecturer at another time, please see him before or after lectures to arrange a mutually convenient time. Short questions can often be handled in the lecture room just before or after lectures.

Course Policies


Although students are encouraged to share ideas, all material submitted for grading must be each student's own work. Plagiarism is a form of academic misconduct, and will not be tolerated.