Introductory Physics for Life Sciences (PHYS*1070)
Code and section: PHYS*1070*01
Term: Fall 2010
Instructor: Jason Thomas
Course Information
Important: Please retain this material and consult it regularly during the semester. This information will be important to you as the course progresses.
(1 of 4U Physics, OAC Physics, PHYS*1020), 4U or OAC Mathematics
Name | Office | Extension | |
Jason Thomas | MacN 404 | x52625 | |
Quiz Room Supervisor
Name | Office | Extension | |
Cindy Wells | SCIE1101A | x52445 | |
(Please contact the Quiz Room Supervisor with all course related inquiries and email to report any errors in your D2L record.)
Students in this course will need to use Desire2Learn (D2L) to write REQUIRED pretests, perform a simulated experiment on radiation (pretest 5), and check their term marks. As soon as possible, you should check that you can log in to D2L:
- Use a web browser to go to:
- Follow the D2L login instructions.
Text & Other Materials
- Text: Physics for the Biological Sciences, 4th Edition, Hallett, Hunt, McFarland, Renninger, Stinson, Sullivan. Available in the Campus Bookstore (1st floor MacNaughton) or the Co-op Bookstore (Johnston Hall).
Study Guide and Laboratory Manual for PHYS*1070, 2010 Printing: Available in the Quiz Room SCIE1101A ($15.00, CASH ONLY)*.
* The Quiz Room will be open for the sale of manuals on Wed/Thur/Fri/Mon Sept. 8,9,10,13 during the following hours: 9-12noon/1-4. After Sept. 13th this item may be purchased in the Quiz Room during normal Quiz Room daytime hours as posted on D2L.
i-Clicker Student Response Unit – available in the University Bookstore. A Classroom Response System will be used this semester where students use Personal Response Units (commonly known as “clickers”) to register their responses to questions posed in class.
- The following items are available on D2L;
(a) Solutions to Self-Tests in the Study Guides
(b) Sample Final Examinations
(c) Sample Quiz on each study guide
- Calculator (get one with trig functions, ex, etc.) (graphing calculators, programmable calculators, and electronic devices, are not allowed).
- This Course Outline: includes important dates and deadlines, lecture schedule, evaluation information, personal record sheet, etc.
Drop and Add Forms
Instructor's signature is not required in this course.
Lost and Found
"Lost and Found" is in the Quiz Room (SCIE1101A).
Section | Day | Time | Location |
Sec 01 | Mon., Wed., Fri. | 2:30 – 3:20pm | MacN105 |
Sec 02 | Mon., Wed., Fri. | 11:30am - 12:20pm | MacN105 |
Sec 03 | Thurs. | 7:00 – 9:50pm | MacN105 |
Final Exam
Deadlines and Important Notes
Students must show their U of G photo ID card in order to write a quiz.
Note: Only 1 quiz attempt per time slot allowed on same quiz group
Thurs. September 9th - quiz room opens for writing
Week | Date | Quiz |
Wk. 1 | Mon. Sept. 13 | Lab Room (MacN304) is open. |
Wk. 3 | Fri. Oct. 1 | Last day Quiz #1 |
Wk. 5 | Fri. Oct. 15 | Last day Quiz #2 |
Wk. 7 | Fri. Oct. 29 | Last day Quiz #3 |
Wk. 9 | Fri. Nov. 12 | Last day Quiz #4 |
Wk.11 | Fri. Nov. 26 | Last day Quiz #5 |
Wk. 11 | Fri. Nov. 26 | Last day Laboratory (MacN304) is open. |
Wk. 12 | Thur. Dec. 2 | QUIZ ROOM CLOSES THURSDAY, DECEMBER 2nd at 4:00pm |
BOOK BAG LOCK (optional)– Book bags are not allowed to be taken to your quiz writing station in the quiz room. The designated area for book bags is equipped with cables for locking (you must bring your own lock).
Pretests must be passed with a minimum of 60% before the required quiz is attempted. Allow at least 1 hour for your pretest grade to be processed.
Lab experiment sign up is done on-line via d2l. It is strongly recommended that you sign up for your labs early in the semester to ensure that all labs can be completed by the lab quiz deadline dates. Print a copy of your lab schedule and staple it inside your lab manual as your lab ta may ask for it if more than the max. Number of students show up for a booked station.
Please note: lab sign-up is restricted to 1.5 hour time slots which is sufficient time to collect the required data and complete your calculations. Read over the lab material before arriving to ensure that no time is wasted. A completion ta signature and seal is mandatory prior to leaving the lab.
Quiz Room Hours (SCIE1101A)
Posted on D2L – see Quiz Room Hours
Lab RoomHours (MacN 304)
Posted on D2L – see Lab Hours
Extra opening times may be added depending on enrolment.
Tentative Lecture Schedule
Week | Lecture | Date | Topic | Study Guide |
1 | 1-4 | Sept.9,10 Sept. 13 |
Introduction to waves Waves and traveling waves Superposition and standing waves |
1 |
2 | 5-7 | Sept. 20 | Acoustic resonance Energy, power and intensity of sound The ear |
2 |
3 | 8-10 | Sept. 27 | Snell‟s Law The visual process Refraction at a spherical surface |
3 |
4 | 11-13 | Oct. 4 | Lenses General object-image concepts The human eye, eye defects and their correction |
3 |
5 | 14-15 | Oct. 12 | Electromagnetic waves Diffraction and interference |
4 |
6 | 16-18 | Oct. 18 | Resolution Wave properties of particles Orbitals; the wave equation |
4 |
7 | 19-21 | Oct. 25 | Energy levels and light absorption Fluorescence, phosphoresce (concepts) & Spectrophotometer Linear molecules |
5 |
8 | 22-24 | Nov. 1 | Ring molecules Beer‟s law Rotation and vibration Fluorescence and phosphorescence (calculations) |
6 |
9 | 25-27 | Nov. 8 | Radioactive decay, half-life Absorption of radiation Radiation dose |
7 |
10 | 28-30 | Nov. 15 | Coulomb‟s law Fields and potentials |
8 |
11 | 31-33 | Nov. 22 | Current, voltage and circuits Ohm‟s law Simple circuits |
8 |
12 | 34-36 | Nov. 29 | Final exam info Problems and review |
How the Course Works
Students' study schedules at University are often based on a crisis-to-crisis approach (When's my next midterm exam?) rather than on organized learning. To reduce this problem, Introductory Physics for Life Sciences is offered using a "Personalized Instruction" method which gives the student some flexibility in scheduling study time.
The central idea of this teaching method is the accommodation of both the student who needs or likes formal lecture teaching and the student who prefers guided self-instruction. Indeed, in this course, any combination of these two extremes may be mixed to the student's own taste.
Many thousands of students have taken this course and almost every semester has seen some modification, usually minor, in the operation of the course.
The present version of the study materials incorporates a large number of constructive suggestions made by students. We hope you will continue to point out errors, omissions and weaknesses so that the course and its teaching materials can be regularly upgraded. We are confident that this thoroughly tested learning concept will continue to be met with enthusiastic approval from the majority of our students.
Formal lectures will be given and you will find a detailed timetable of dates and topics in this course handout. Students may attend all of the lectures or select only those topics in which they feel they need lecture support. You are strongly advised to attend lectures until you are sure that the self-study method works for you. In any case, the entire course content will be covered in these lectures. Whether you attend lectures or not, it is your responsibility to check the quiz room for important weekly notices regarding the course.
The Handbook contains the eight Study Guide modules (SG 1 to 8) for this course. Please see pg. 6 of the outline. These eight modules cover the entire course and are designed so that you need never actually attend a lecture if you follow their advice scrupulously. (You must, however, do laboratory work.) Each module provides you with:
- a brief introductory discussion of what the module is about,
- the educational objectives of the module,
- a detailed study guide (reading and problem lists, etc.)
- self tests,
- answers to problems, and sometimes
- extra problems.
These self-study modules are your chief help; the Study Guide is a teacher at your side constantly and should be studied with care.
Course and Quiz Deadlines/Organization and Preferred Path
Quiz #1 requirements – Last available day is Friday, Oct. 1
- Waves SG.1
- Acoustics SG.2
- Pretest 1 (on-line)
Quiz # 2 requirements – Last available day is Friday, Oct. 15
- Optics SG.3
- Pretest 2 (on-line)
- Experiment 2 – Acoustics (MacN304)
- Experiment 3 –Optics of the Eye (MacN304)
Quiz #3 requirements – Last available day is Friday, Oct. 29
- Diffraction, etc. SG.4
- Pretest 3 (on-line)
- Experiment 4 – Diffraction and Resolving Power (MacN304)
- Experiment 6 – Visible Spectroscopy (MacN304)
Quiz #4 requirements – Last available day is Friday, Nov. 12
- Light Absorption SG.5
- Observed Abs. SG.6
- Pretest 4 (on-line)
Quiz #5 requirements – Last available day is Friday, Nov. 26
- Pretest 5 (on-line computer lab – Radiation - exp 7)
- Experiment 8 – Electrical Measurements and Resistance (MacN304)
Ionizing Radiation SG.7 and Electricity SG.8 will be tested on the final exam (approximately 3 questions on each study guide.)
Diagnostic Quizzes
You can in principle try quizzes in any order. However, note that quizzes are withdrawn on specific dates, so these should be attempted as appropriate. Also, note that some quizzes may require knowledge of material from previous quizzes. A non-credit PRETEST must be completed before its Quiz for credit can be written. The PRETESTS are available on D2L. See page 10 for details. PRETESTS are available for study guide modules 7 and 8 even though there are no quizzes. These are strongly recommended for study purposes.
Each PRETEST is an aid to help you learn the material contained in the associated Study Guide. When you have passed the PRETEST (min. 60%), you should have acquired a basic understanding of the material in the Study Guide. The format of the PRETEST is DIFFERENT from that of the QUIZ. A sample of each QUIZ is provided on D2L for you to look at. The QUIZ tests mastery of that material, and so you may find that you do not pass the QUIZ on the first attempt.
Regardless of the combination of formal lectures and/or self-study you use to acquire knowledge in the course, the question is "how do you demonstrate this knowledge and receive credit for it?" When you think you have mastered the contents of the required modules, and have passed (60%) the associated PRETEST, you should go to the Quiz Room where you may request a Diagnostic Quiz. This quiz is designed to test your mastery of the material. Note however a very important point: there are far more study guide topics than there are quizzes that you are expected to write. Consequently, the quizzes include questions from several study guides. For example, quiz #1 contains questions from waves and acoustics. It is therefore very important that you come prepared for both. ALLOW 1 HR. FOR PRETEST MARK TO PROCESS BEFORE ATTEMPTING THE RELATED QUIZ. You will need your University of Guelph photo ID card in order to write a quiz. . The time allotted for each quiz is 20 minutes. When you have completed the quiz, it is marked immediately by a tutor in your presence (If you absolutely cannot stay to have your quiz marked, you may leave it. It will be marked at the end of the quiz period and the mark posted. It will be available for you to look at for two further quiz periods.). In this way, no time is wasted teaching you things you already know, but the quiz will isolate those things (if any) you don't know. The tutor will give you help on the spot when time permits. It is important to emphasize the diagnostic aspect of this quiz; diagnosis is its prime purpose. It is of no value to write one if you are not prepared; you are wasting everyone's time. The level at which you are considered to have "mastered" the material is 80%, i.e., the "pass mark" is 8 out of 10.
Each module that is mastered contributes 10% toward your course mark. If you do not get 80% on your first attempt (and you may not), it doesn't matter. There is no stigma attached to failing this quiz; that is not its purpose. You may go away, study, and try again. The quiz will have served to show you what you must study for that module. Obviously there must be a limit to the number of times you may write quizzes on a single group, and this has been set at three. Also, you may not attempt more than one quiz for each group in a single quiz period.
During quizzes (and the final examination), you may use a pocket calculator (graphing calculators are not allowed). In the quiz room, each desk is provided with a sheet of formulae. A copy of this sheet will be included in the final exam. No material in the form of quizzes or paper may be taken from the Quiz Room and all paper used when writing a quiz must be turned in. You should visit the quiz room during the first week of the semester to see how the system operates.
Tthere are 5 quizzes to be completed. There is no quiz on SG 7 or 8, although the experiments related to SG 7 and SG 8 are covered in Quiz 5. There will be at least 3 questions each on SG 7 and 8 on the final examination.
Self-paced study is a new experience for most students. At best, it permits you to work ahead in physics early in the semester, freeing study time for other courses during heavy weeks. At worst, there is a temptation to leave things too late. To help pace students, deadlines are placed on quizzes.
There are 6 experiments to be done, associated with S.G. units 2, 3, 4, 6, 7 and 8 (see pg. 6 of the outline). Five of these experiments are done in the lab room (MacN 304) and they may be performed in any order, at any time the lab is open (see D2L for hours of operation). The laboratory operates as an open lab, but you must reserve a space (sign up on D2L). You are encouraged to sign-up for all required labs and create your own lab schedule for the semester. Print this schedule and staple it inside your lab manual. Each station can be reserved for 1.5 hours. There is also one computer simulation (Experiment 7) which can be done at the Physical Sciences Microlab (MacN 315), the library, from home, or from any location which is connected to the internet. Once your lab is complete (data and calculations) you must have the lab TA stamp your lab to allow you to write the related quiz. When you make your 1st attempt at that quiz you will tear off the stamps portion and hand it in as proof of completion. Notice that the lab instructor does not assign a mark to your lab work, although he/she may refuse to accept it if he/she judges the work to be inadequate. Your understanding of the material is tested in the quiz on the associated Study Guide.
Experiment 7 is a computer simulation, which can be done anywhere there is a computer connected to the internet; the CPES microcomputer lab is in MacN 315, home, library, etc. You can access Experiment 7 from D2L found at (see pg.1). When you have completed the experiment, this information will automatically be transferred to your record (allow at least 1 hour).
Remember that labs are a requirement to attempt some quizzes.
Evaluation of Quiz Marks
Quizzes are marked out of 10
- Quiz marks 8/10 or higher receive 10 out of 10 (highest possible mark per unit)
- between 4.0/10 and 7.5/10 (inclusive) receive 2 marks per attempt†
- less than 4/10 receive zero
† This partial mark of 2 does not add to a mark of 10. It is awarded on the condition you do not receive a “pass” on any attempt on a unit quiz. See the examples below.
Four examples:
- A student earns 4.0/10 on the first quiz attempt, 6.0/10 on the second quiz attempt, and 8.0/10 on the third quiz attempt. Mark received: 10 out of 10.
- A student earns 4.0/10 on the first quiz attempt, 5.5/10 on the second quiz attempt, and 7.5/10 on the third quiz attempt. Mark received: 6 out of 10.
- A student earns 2.5/10 on the first quiz attempt, 4.0/10 on the second, and 7.5/10 on the third. Mark received: 4 out of 10.
- A student earns 7.5/10 on the first quiz attempt and tries no further quizzes. Mark received: 2 out of 10.
Summary of Marks
Quiz marks 50% (5 x 10.0) + 50% (final exam) = 100%
Accuracy of Records
It is your responsibility to use D2L to check that your marks are recorded correctly. Please check your record often and report any discrepancies immediately to the Quiz Room Supervisor (email address on pg. 1). As an aid, a „Personal Record Form‟ is attached to this handout. You should use this form to record your quiz attempts, etc., and from time to time check the computer record against your personal record.
Final Exam
The final examination will consist of approximately 20 questions with multiple-choice answers. Sample final examinations are available through D2L. Normally there are 2-3 questions based on each of Study Guides 1-6 and 3 questions each on Study Guides 7 and 8, for which there are no quizzes. At least half of the questions on Study Guides 1-6 are similar in style to Quiz questions for these Study Guides. Many students have found that the final examination is difficult, even with a perfect mark on the Quizzes. This is because mastery of all of the Study Guides is required in order to achieve a perfect mark on the final examination. A thorough review of all of the course material is highly advisable in preparing for the final examination.
The Biophysics Pretests
Before any Quiz can be written for credit, a PRETEST must be taken and passed at the level of 60%. Allow at least 1 hour prior to attempting related quiz. These PRETESTS are designed to permit a self-examination of the basic concepts and objectives of the modules in question. Each PRETEST consists of a variety of simple questions in one of 4 formats:
- multiple choice
- true or false
- pairwise matching
- enter a number or symbol
The PRETESTS are delivered using D2L and so can be taken from any location which has computers connected to the internet (MacN 315, Library, home, etc.). Login instructions above.
Follow the login instructions and the instructions which follow enabling you to take the PRETEST. Upon completion it will be marked and an explanation provided for every question for which you selected the wrong answer. These should be studied carefully.
When you obtain at least 60% on the PRETEST, you may proceed to the Quiz Room to write a QUIZ for credit. (Allow at least 1 hour for your mark to process before attempting related quiz).
If you failed to get 60%, you must repeat the Pretest until 60% is obtained. Pretests are unlimited.
Of course, you get the maximum advantage from these PRETESTS if you do them without help and, as much as possible, without aids (textbook, etc.).
It is a serious academic offence to copy, print or otherwise store the pretests or to attempt to alter them in any way.
Also available on D2L are SAMPLE QUIZZES for each Study Guide, similar to quizzes that you will write in the Quiz Room.
Course Policies
If you are away for brief periods of time due to illness or for compassionate reasons, see the Quiz Room Supervisor (email address on pg. 1) about consideration of extension of deadlines, etc. For an extended illness, etc. (> 1 week), you should obtain a medical certificate or similar documentation and consult the quiz room supervisor or the instructor. If you miss the final examination because of illness or for other reasons, consult regulations in the current Undergraduate Calendar.
Course Notices
From time to time, notices pertaining to the course will be posted on D2L, given in lectures and/or posted by the Quiz Room door or inside the quiz room (SCIE1101A). You should check this door and room weekly for notices and reminders, etc. It is your responsibility to keep yourself informed regarding these special announcements.
Obtaining Help in the Course
- Brief questions can be answered by the course professor after lectures. Otherwise, please see her during office hours. Office hours will be announced in class.
- Help Room (MacN 318) – The hours will be posted on D2L.
NOTE: This Help Room is for help in physics courses PHYS*1070 and 1080. - The help room will open in week 3. Help will be available in the quiz room during weeks 1 and 2 during regular quiz room hours.
- Help may be obtained in rooms MacN 304 or 304A. These are the lab rooms for this course and PHYS*1080. When these rooms are open you may obtain help with course-related problems from the instructors, but remember that their first priority is to help students who are doing experiments.
- The Solutions to the Self-Tests (which are on reserve in the Library) and the set of 3 sample final examinations will be helpful (see pg.1). These are available through D2L and the College Microlab (see next item).
- College Microlab (MacN 315): Computerized tutorials can be accessed here. Follow the instructions on the bulletin board beside the entrance to the room. Then follow the instructions posted in the workstation you have chosen. By following instructions on the computer screen, you will sooner or later obtain a screen which allows you to select WINDOWS. Once you are in WINDOWS, you can use the mouse to click on your choices when applicable. Double click on the icon PHYSICS TUTORIALS and you will see a number of them listed, including the radiation lab. Other useful ones for this course are:
- Dimensional analysis Trigonometry
- Logarithms Graphing simple functions
- Graphing log paper Oscillating functions
- Graphing Exponential growth and decay
- Solutions to the Self-Tests
All of the above can be accessed from the internet via D2L - Video Tapes: two video tapes related to SG 1 are available at the Library Reserve Desk: (about 20 minutes long)
(i) Travelling Waves - VTR 78461
(ii) Standing Waves - VTR 79888 - (g) Also available at the Library Reserve Desk:
(i) Physics for the Biological Sciences, 4th ed. (Hallett, et al.)
(ii) Study Guide and Laboratory Manual for PHYS*1070
Course Evaluation
The Department of Physics requires student assessment of all courses taught by the Department. These assessments provide essential feedback to faculty on their teaching by identifying both strengths and possible areas of improvement. In addition, annual student assessment of teaching provides part of the information used by the Department Tenure and Promotion Committee in evaluating the faculty member's contribution in the area of teaching.
The Department's teaching evaluation questionnaire invites student response both through numerically quantifiable data, and written student comments. In conformity with University of Guelph Faculty Policy, the Department Tenure and Promotions Committee only considers comments signed by students (choosing "I agree" in question 14). Your instructor will see all signed and unsigned comments after final grades are submitted. Written student comments may also be used in support of a nomination for internal and external teaching awards.
NOTE: No information will be passed on to the instructor until after the final grades have been submitted.