A Window on TRIUMF

Date and Time


MacN 415



Dr. Nigel Smith
Executive Director of TRIUMF
Canada's National Particle Accelerator Centre


This talk will be an introduction to the science programme at TRIUMF, Canadaʼs particle accelerator centre located in Vancouver, and to its relatively new Executive Director & CEO who is pleased to be working at a ground level laboratory with real windows. The University of Guelph has engagement at TRIUMF on several aspects of our science programme. I will outline the various research areas that TRIUMF is currently engaged in both nationally and internationally, and the major new platforms that TRIUMF is developing. Our research areas cover nuclear and particle physics, material sciences, life sciences and detector technology development. The platforms we are developing are the ARIEL rare isotope facility, currently in construction and anticipated to be operational in 2026, and the IAMI medical isotope research platform, expected to be operational later this year.

TRIUMF has recently incorporated, and completed the development of a 20-year vision which outlines possible future research directions. I will outline this vision and the research directions we are following. This is a time of substantial change at TRIUMF as a new organisation, and I will outline some of the major changes and effects on the facility.


Coffee available beforehand at 10:40am in MacN 214

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