Problem 2-101 - Linear Kinematics

A car \((c)\) with one headlight burned out is traveling at a constant speed of \(18 \;m/s\) and passes a stopped police car \((p)\). The car is pursued immediately by the police cruiser, which has a constant acceleration of magnitude \(2.2 \;m/s^2.\)

(a) How far does the police cruiser travel before catching the other car?
(b) At what time will this occur? (Hint: Graphing may help to visualize this problem.)

Which of the following sets of graphs represents the situation in this problem?


Solution A, depicting graphs indicating where the police cruiser intercepts the card with one head light


Solution B, depicting graphs indicating where the police cruiser intercepts the card with one head light

Solution C, depicting graphs indicating where the police cruiser intercepts the card with one head light