
Starting Physics in Fall 2024?

We are so happy to have you joining us here at UofG!

There have been some changes to the Physics program requirements which haven't made into the online calendar just yet, please note below. 

The courses you need to take in first semester are:

  • PHYS*1500 (Formerly IPS*1500)
  • MATH*1200 (Formerly IPS*1500)
  • CHEM*1040
  • CIS*1300
  • BIO*1070/1080/1090 (One of)


Congratulations to Benjamin Morling, the 2024 Ross Hallett Memorial Scholarship in Biophysics Winner!

Benjamin Morling obtained his Honours BSc in Nanoscience from the University of Guelph. He joined the Dutcher Lab as an undergraduate student in 2019, completed his MSc in 2021, and is currently a PhD student in the Dutcher and Wickham groups.

In his academic studies and his research, Ben has achieved a very high level of excellence. He has demonstrated a mature, curious and hardworking approach to his work, with the ability to learn new skills, perform high quality lab work and simulations, analyze his results, and communicate them effectively. 

Congratulations to 2024 Graduate Fellowship Recipient Zarin Ahmed

Zarin Ahmed has been awarded the 2024 Graduate Fellowship from the Canadian Institute of Nuclear Physics (CINP).

This fellowship has a value ot $13,000 and grants access to conference travel funds, as well as the opportunity to present at the CINP AGM. 



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